
What's Your Signature Color

I love those fun online quizzes - and I stumbled across a really cute one called What's Your Signature Color? So - I just had to take the quiz! - It was alot of fun - come to find out - my signature color is: Pink Chiffon - Here is what my results were:

"Kathy, your signature color is Pink Chiffon:

There's nothing saccharine about you — your sweetness is one hundred percent natural! A gentle, thoughtful romantic like you must be paired with a color that's soft and warm — but still has a subtle sophisticated sheen. That's why Pink Chiffon is the perfect color for you! You're probably known for making the most of every situation and trying to see the best in people. But while you may be cheerful and innocent at times, you're nobody's fool. You may see the world through rose-colored glasses, but you can still see, after all.

While you make wise insights time after time, it's probably your good nature and perpetual optimism that are what you're known for and what make you a joy to be around. Even those who sometimes make fun of your Pollyanna-like proclamations will turn to you when they need a friend and some cheering up. So keep pink, Chiffon. With you around, the world's a better place!"

Give it a whirl - It's alot of fun! Here is the quiz: What's Your Signature Color

~ Kathy ~ 03/24/2008
Kathy's Curvy Corner

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